Friday, February 27, 2009

Is there a such thing as too much technology?

I just spent about the last half hour deleting blogs. I currently have a myspace page, a facebook page, a twitter page, a wordpress page, a linked in page, a flickr page, a slide show page, a gamer network page, a XBOX 360 live account, and multiple email addresses. There is no feasible way that I could manage all of those accounts, especially while working four jobs. So I have decided to consolidate.

Most of these pages will say up, however they will be updated on a less timely manner; however I will link some of the sites to the blog, so that others in my life and stay up with what I am ranting on. So this leads up to my next entry - is there a such thing as too much technology?

I want some feedback on this - do you think that you have too much technology in your life? I feel that technology is here to make our lives easier and for me it was getting to the point where it was becoming too time consuming. Now don't let that affect my "geek-cred" because I still live and breath all things IT, however I think that there needs to be a balance. Where that balance is at - I have yet to find, but I encourage those who feel the same to also work on getting balance back in your life and letting technology help you, not hinder you.


  1. What is technology? My Webster's Ninth Edition c/o 1983 says: "a scientific method of achieving a practical purpose...and the totality of the means employed to provide objects necessary for human sustenance and comfort"
    so there you go

  2. Interesting that you chose a dictionary from 1983, as the term technology has changed over the years. I would be interested to see if that dictionary had a definition for information technology. I would say that this post was more formatted towards information technology rather than just technology. Thanks for the info!
