Wednesday, March 18, 2009

PC Protection - live it, love it!

Computer running slow? Taking forever to start up? Having constant popups?
Not sure what happened to get it like this?

It is a good posibility that you may be infected! Once infected is the recommendation of the Geeks Dipping Deep Blog Crew that you take your computer to a professional to have it cleaned! Infections in computers can be very tricky to remove, and we do not want you to lose any of your data, including the bookmark to this site! Below are the top 10 steps to take to insure that your computer does not get infected. **Please note that these will not help once your computer is infected!

1. Do not download music or movies illegially. Even the most trained professional can get infected while using Peer to Peer sharing software and sites. Those types of programs should not be used illegally, but can be used for their exact purpose, not to steal music. A lot of those downloads will have viruses attached, we promise!

2. Use a well known Anti-Virus software (and keep it updated!). Very well know practical Anti-Virus / Anti-Spyware software are as follows: Kaspersky, Trend Micro, Webroot Spysweeper, Norton, McAfee. *Also DO NOT double up on your Anti-Virus software. Have multiple programs protecting you from viruses can cause your computer to crash!

3. Keep Windows up to date! You know those Windows Updates that pop up from the clock! They are there for a reason! Follow the prompts and update Windows!

4. You get what you pay for! If it says Free protection, it probably is HORRIBLE protection. This goes for Anti-Virus & Anti-Spyware software.

5. Do not open emails when you don't know who they are from!

6. Make sure if you are an avid porn watcher, that you are using virus/spyware free porn site. Yes they do exist!

7. A pop-up blocker is not your friend. If you computer is clean, you should not need a pop-up blocker!

8. Read, Read, Read! If there is an error message, read it, write it down, and call a professional!

9. Do NOT let your uncle's cousin's friend's brother's nephew work on your computer because "they" said he knows what he is doing. Technical Support Professional work at Computer Shops, they have degrees, certifications, and work experience. Just like you wouldn't let "Joe the Plumber" walk off the street to fix your car, do not let "just anyone" work on your computer! Anyone that has access to your computer, has access to your files!

10. Backup your Data! You know, those pictures from your first grandchild, we want those to be as safe at you do! Backup your information on CD, online, & on an external Hard Disk Drive, if you are worried about your info! If you are unaware of how to do so, contact a professional!

I hope this gives you some insight on how to stay safe - now go fourth and compute!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Etoy Car on a Yellow Brick Road!

Recently I came across Etoy, a multimedia program that allows you to create different moving objects. Below is a short Videocast on how to create a Etoy car and how to make it drive down a "Yellow Brick Road".

Friday, March 13, 2009

SPECIAL Non Geek Speak Encounter of the Day!

Today I had a very special Non Geek Speak Encounter that I just had to share with everyone! A gentlemen came up to the counter and this is how the conversation actually went:

Client: "I've been Hacked"
Me: "Well, That's not good!"
Client: "By the Army, Navy, and NASA! They hacked my computer. I unplugged the phone cord, but they were able to get in through that blinking light!"
Note: By this point, I was trying VERY VERY hard not to laugh...and so the conversation continues...
Me: "Wow, what all is going wrong with it"
Client: "Well, they disabled People PC, The Anti-virus software and my Internet! See I have been researching our government and how they are screwing people over. I have filed suit against our federal government. Not even 5 minutes after I sent a fax to Obama, and other Ohio officials, they hacked my computer! I have all kinds of supreme court documents showing how our government is corrupt, and they are just not happy with me! Now I can't even log in, because they changed my password!"
Me: "Well, you can bring it in and we can see what we can do"

This is NO JOKE! This guy was totally serious that the Army, Navy, and NASA hacked his computer! It was awesome!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Non Geek Speak Encounters - Installment #2

This week was a pretty mild week when it comes to Non Geek Speak Encounters, however I did have a couple.

"So my web cam will not install, it keeps saying there is an error. I don't understand how it is working for you, I even made a folder for it, and everything, just like how my Windows Vista for Dummies book told me."

"Although I commend this person for trying, I have no idea where in the Windows Vista for Dummies book it would say to create a folder on the desktop for the program you are trying to install, and then put files in that folder (mind you all without the actual program CD)."

"I got myself one of those them there Dells, and now I can't play my new huntin game"

"Well, Sir, you purchased the CHEAPEST Dell, it does not have the graphical capability to play that there them huntin games"

"I just don't understand why you could not upgrade the memory in my computer"

"You computer is 7 years old and has RDRAM, HAHAHAHAHAH!" (Just as a side note RDRAM is still in usage today, you would find it in your PS2, Nintendo 64, and PS3, but not normally in Computers)

Like I said, it was a very mild week!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Bringing Technology to Non-Profit Organizations

Recently I ran across a TechSoup, a subsidiary of TechSoup Global. TechSoup is a company that brings technology to non-profit organizations an inexpensive rates. Although I am not in the non-profit sector as much, I do believe it is important that places like TechSoup can provide inexpensive technology to those organizations. With a wide variety of technology, TechSoup is able to offer over 340 products from companies such as Microsoft, Adobe, and Symantec. Check it out today! Click Here to join TechSoup and register your organization today!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Racism In Gaming

So, my story begins about a year and a half ago. This is when Resident Evil 5 was first announced, and a trailer was shown. The Trailer depicted a setting in a south African town, where people were infected with a virus that turns them into zombies. (You all know this game series has been around for about 10-15 years, right?) The protagonist of the story is chris redfield, which is a tall white guy. See anything wrong? Well, it turns out many people did. Many news outlets and gamers alike, begain throwing allegations about how "Racist" RE5 is. This personally offended me (People saying it was racist.) Due to the fact of it being that RE4 was based in a Spanish town, and no one cared? All the other resident evils in the past had all white zombies and NO one cared? So what is the big deal now? The funny thing is, the people that made the game are JAPANESE! Now, to a more present time. I just rented a game titled "50 Cent: Blood on the sand." Yes, as the title shows it is about the Rapper 50 Cent. From face value, the game is good. Good gameplay, pacing, cover system, all that jazz. There are, however, a few things that make me question the thought behind this. Let's start off with the concept of the game. 50 Cent is taking the "G-unit" to a middle eastern country to take back what terrorists have stolen from him, his money/jewels/hoes/ or whatever. 50 is now pissed and wants revenge, and his "assets" back. The combat is bloody, and you can yell taunts at anytime with the left stick. (Ex. Fuck you! Fuck off, pussy!) The game is extremely profane, and may I say it, worse than grand theft auto when it comes to the language! Now, the soundtrack does the game no liberty at all. It is all of 50's greatest hits! Which in just about all of the songs (which are unedited) say the BIG BAD N word!! OH NO! I personally dont get offended by much, but c'mon, Microsoft allowed this? If were to go on live and call someone a Ni****, I could be banned for a long time, possibly forever. Which is very hypocritical. The sad part of this story is that no one has had an objection with the game whatsoever. I have heard No-one giving THQ shit for publishing this game. Just to get to the point, I am disgusted by the reverse racism that has been goin on in the gaming industy. I dont feel violated, but people should really think twice before throwing racist allegations, on games and other media that is not. Microsoft also, should have been more responsible with this game. Games are an artform, lets please keep them that way. And, when the "lil wayne's hood rat beat down," comes out, I dont plan on buying it either!! =)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

You can play Call of Duty, if you follow the Geneva Convention?

Recently made news by BoingBoing and MSNBC a parent of a 13 year old gamer said that he was allowed to play Call of Duty as long as he first read the Geneva Convention's Rules of Engagement. After reading those rules the father in the story then instructs his son that he must abide by those rules, and if he or his teammates break one of those rules, the game will be taken away.

Now I am in no means an avid player of Call of Duty, but is this actually possbile to play the game and follow the rules of the Geneva Convention? According to Wikipedia "in any engagement, the ROE need to balance two competing goals: The need to use force effectively to accomplish the mission objectives and the need to aviod unncessary force." Now from what I have seen, the online play of Duty is team vs. team and the goal is to eliminate the other team. I do know that there are also strategic online plays available as well, however for the basic team vs. team, is it possible to follow those Rules of Engagement?

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Non Geek Speak Encounters - Installment #1

Every Saturday, the Geeks Dippin Deep Blog will talk about the Non Geek encounters of the prior week, in Non Geek Speak. In other words, over the past week, these are the things that I have been told, by people who do not consider themselves Geeks. In yellow are my comments to the Non Geek Speak Encounters that I was unable to say at the time of the encounter. Enjoy!

Here are the following Non Geek Speak encounters of this past week!

"Microsoft should get rid of Vista and go back to XP, better yet, they should go back to Windows 98 SE!"
"If Microsoft goes back to Windows 98 SE, just take my car back and give me a Horse & Buggy!"

"AGP Graphics cards are not old"

"It was only introduced in 1997, and now has two predecessors PCI, and PCI-E, but sure it's not old at all!"

"I deleted Viruses, how am I supposed to delete a Trojan? I just went through a deleted everything that I recognized the name of!"

"Is your computer still running, because if you delete EVERYTHING you recognize the name of, does that include Windows?!"

"I built a computer, it has many different parts, it has Dell parts and AMD parts. How much will it cost for you to get it up and running?"

"It's quite amazing, but some Dells now come with AMD parts!"

"How does Microsoft expect everyone to know how to use one of these things? Why don't they send a How To guide with it?"

"Amazingly enough, there is a Help feature built in!"

**This one is from a couple weeks ago, but it is well worth adding!

"You mean I have to pay for the Internet? It just doesn't come on this thing? Then why did I buy a laptop!?"

"Nope the Internet is totally free, they are giving it away now at the corner store, get yours today!"

Friday, February 27, 2009

Is there a such thing as too much technology?

I just spent about the last half hour deleting blogs. I currently have a myspace page, a facebook page, a twitter page, a wordpress page, a linked in page, a flickr page, a slide show page, a gamer network page, a XBOX 360 live account, and multiple email addresses. There is no feasible way that I could manage all of those accounts, especially while working four jobs. So I have decided to consolidate.

Most of these pages will say up, however they will be updated on a less timely manner; however I will link some of the sites to the blog, so that others in my life and stay up with what I am ranting on. So this leads up to my next entry - is there a such thing as too much technology?

I want some feedback on this - do you think that you have too much technology in your life? I feel that technology is here to make our lives easier and for me it was getting to the point where it was becoming too time consuming. Now don't let that affect my "geek-cred" because I still live and breath all things IT, however I think that there needs to be a balance. Where that balance is at - I have yet to find, but I encourage those who feel the same to also work on getting balance back in your life and letting technology help you, not hinder you.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Windows Vista, Friend or Foe?

So I have had the opportunity recently to receive opinions of the public on Windows Vista. Strangely enough the feedback seems very similar, mostly they hate it, but when asked why, they can never come back with an answer. I have heard comments like: "I heard Microsoft is junking Vista, because it is horrible", "I am waiting for Microsoft to come out with a new Operating System, then I will buy a computer", and my top two favs are "I heard Microsoft is going back to XP, and getting rid of Vista", and "I am returning this computer because it has Windows Vista".

These are only a few comments myself and others that I work with have heard in response to Microsoft Windows Vista, which mind you has been out since Jan. 2007.

So here is the deal, Microsoft starting working on Windows Vista prior to the release of Windows XP, it has been a long time comming. It is different, true, but Microsoft IS NOT GETTING RID OF Windows Vista. I do not know how much I can stress this, again, they ARE NOT getting rid of Windows Vista. Windows Vista and Server 2008 (release in Feb. 2008) have the same kernel. A kernel is the central component of most Operating Systems. It is responsible for the systems communications between hardware and software. The new kernel, used in Windows Vista and Server 2008 was created for new Microsoft Operating Systems, because it needed to be updated from their old kernel.

To debunk all of the comments from the public that I have received, Microsoft has decided to set a new tone in the IT world when it comes to the creation of new Operating Systems. Windows XP was release in 2001, and it took Microsoft 6 years for them to release a new Operating System. Now Microsoft's goal is to release a new OS every 3 to 5 years. This does not mean they are getting rid of the old Operating Systems that are prior, but only adding new and improved features. In most business, IT coordinators place their inventory on a 3 to 5 year turn-around cycle to purchase new equipment, this ensures that Microsoft will make money in those cycles. It is a marvelous idea for them to keep everyone up to date.

For the general public, this could prove to be probamatic. Most people do not purchase new computers every 3 to 5 years. I know a lot of people that purchase computers maybe every 10 to 15 years. So lets say Sally purchase a computer in 2005, it has Windows XP. She does not have the means, or need to purchase a new computer right now, but maybe she will in 2015. By 2015, if Microsoft is releasing a new Operating System every 3 to 5 years, it is possible that she will jump from Windows XP, past Vista, past Windows 7 (set to release in 2010 or 2011), and then past yet another (name unknown) Microsoft Operating System. Also her computer that was purchased in 2005 would probably not be upgradable to any of those Operating Systems either. Although this situation will occur in the near future, we will eventually get past the computers being unable to be upgraded, and the future will hold many new Microsoft Operating Systems.

To sum it up, Microsoft is NOT going back to Windows XP, I am sorry, take it up with them! They are NOT going back to the old kernel, and they are not junking Windows Vista. Although they are making a new Operating System (Windows 7), I promise you, it looks ALMOST exactly like Vista. The almost factor, means that yet again, the public will complain at some of the new and improved features!